That exact scenario happened in December with two launch events for Adelaide CBD & South’s newest chapter, BNI Coastal.
The launch team included Launch Director and BNI Advantage member Scott White, BNI Regional Director Consultant Sonya Noonan, and Regional Ambassador Steve Williss (Swills).
Kudos also to the BNI Advantage members who gave up their time to come down to the Seacliff Beach Hotel on a Tuesday morning to tell their BNI story. They include Peta Shannon (now the official BNI Coastal Ambassador), Sue Tyler, Marty Edwards, Gary Paradise, Robbie Homes, Emily Melgar, Juen Phie, Georgina Turelli, and Craig Arnold.
Over the months of discovery sessions, the team have created a strong bond with many catching up for 121s and social gatherings well before the chapter activated.
As he sums it up, “Why wouldn’t you love coming to have breakfast with an amazing group of professional businesspeople, getting referrals to grow your business, and taking in the beautiful sea views here at Seacliff?”
BNI Coastal meets at 8.00am every Tuesday morning at the Seacliff Beach Hotel.