What happens at a BNI event?

You may have heard a lot recently about BNI (Business Networking International) and quite possibly been invited to an event. But do you know what happens at these networking events in Adelaide? Do you know what drives professional businesspeople get together each week to grow their business?

While we encourage people to visit their local group to see for themselves, we understand some of you are ‘detail’ people and want to know what’s involved before deciding to attend.

So, here’s what happens at a BNI event.

Wherever you go, it’s all the same.

As at 01-July-2024, BNI has more than 328,000 members in 11,204 groups across 79 countries. Although the cultures and languages of these groups differ, the agenda for a BNI networking event is essentially the same regardless of where you may be located.

A BNI event is proven to maximise the business passed through group members. The 90-minute event is typically chaired by the Group’s president, who follows a structured 20-point agenda and calls upon various members for input where required.

Getting to know members and visitors through open networking.

Before the weekly event gets underway, time is set aside for members of the group and their visitors to meet and mingle. This open networking allows everyone to talk about their business, arrange one-to-one catch-ups, and discuss potential referrals. It’s also a great opportunity to build relationships and develop trust among members.

What’s on the agenda?

Every group produces its own “Trade List”, which maps out the agenda, often with time allocated and a list of members on the reverse side.

A quick overview includes welcome and leadership introductions, the purpose and overview of BNI, core values, visitor introductions, a 3-minute business or networking education piece, recognition of group leaders, and new and renewing members.

Each member then has their weekly 30-second referral requests, where they have an opportunity to ask for a qualified introduction to a specific prospective client / strategic partner, followed by the Vice President and Membership Committee reports before the Secretary/Treasurer introduces the two six-minute feature presentations.

The latter half of the event showcases passed referrals, transacted business, testimonials and quality assurance on a referral that has been passed. The event then wraps up with a brief Secretary/Treasurer’s report, announcements and upcoming events, and a quote of the week followed by a brief orientation for visitors to cover off on your questions.

A showcase for visitors

All BNI events are designed to show visitors how joining a BNI group can grow their business. The group’s seven core values—Givers Gain®, Building Relationships, Lifelong learning, Traditions & Innovations, Positive attitude, Accountability, and Recognition—resonate with business leaders who want to get more out of their business from a global networking group.

The core value of Givers Gain® is also the philosophy by which BNI operates. Essentially, it states …“If I give business to the Members of my Chapter, in return, they will want to give business to me.”

Its mission is to help members increase their business through a structured, positive, and professional referral marketing program that enables them to develop long-term, meaningful relationships with quality business professionals.

Visit a BNI event and see for yourself.

Would you agree that having someone describe to you how fantastic a test drive of a new car was…doesn’t work nearly as well as test driving it for yourself? It’s the same for BNI. To experience a local BNI event for yourself, visit the BNI Adelaide CBD & South website to find a group near you.

Let’s talk!

If you’d like to know more about BNI, or some help in finding the right networking event for your business – please fill in the form below.  One of our Executive Team will be in touch within 1 business day to help.