Recognition – Celebrating Success

by | Jan 23, 2019 | Blog, Uncategorized | 0 comments

One of BNI’s core values is recognition. But what exactly should we be recognising, and how should we go about it?

Before we get to that though, let’s look at “Why” recognition is so important. 



In simple terms, those who are contributing to the success of the Chapter deserve acknowledgement, gratitude, and respect for their efforts. Members who are recognised this way are more inclined to continue their exemplary actions, ensuring the associated benefits continue and inspiring others to do the same. 


The kinds of efforts we should be recognising are the successes our members have when utilising the BNI methods. Large TYFCB figures or solid referrals that a member has gone to great lengths to organise are great examples. But we should also be acknowledging the efforts of those who do all the “little things” right as well.


At the regional level, we run events such as the upcoming BNI Annual Awards Breakfast to celebrate the achievements of those who added the most value over the course of the previous year.

We also run events such as the Pareto Club to recognise and reward the most active members over the previous quarter.

At the chapter level, the Notable Networkers for the previous month are brought to the front of the room to be recognised on a monthly basis,

Occasionally some members consider the “Referrals & Testimonials ” section of the meeting as the time to recognise these efforts too, but that’s not necessarily correct. For example, in an average sized Chapter, if every member brings a referral each week, and each referral receives a round of applause, the meeting is going to blow out time-wise. It may also appear “cult” like, which wouldn’t deliver the best business networking experience in Adelaide for visitors.

There’s no black and white here either. Each Chapter needs to consider and decide upon what they feel is right for them. It may be that your Chapter considers any TYFCB above a certain figure to be worthy of a rousing round of applause (for example $5,000+). This wouldn’t be a “set in stone” rule either. More of an unspoken agreement amongst members that has been communicated outside of the weekly Chapter meeting. Perhaps in a forum such as Facebook. 

During the next “Referrals & Testimonials” section of your Chapter meeting, give some consideration to what you feel is worthy of “next-level” recognition. Then, start the conversation in your Chapter’s Facebook group and gauge the thoughts of your fellow Chapter members also. 

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